The Power of Hello!

The Power of Hello It started with a couple who were visiting Brundall Marina randomly popping into Brundall Men’s Shed to say hello. Terry Ambridge happen to greet them with a smile and gave them a guided tour. During the tour the man mentioned he ran a hardware business in Skegness and had come to […]

Brundall’s Race Track Preview

It’s been a monumental effort from Andy and son Jake, but soon the Brundall Men’s Shed racetrack will be up to competition standard! It’s been great to see the effort they’ve put it and the enjoyment it has already brought to all the visitors. Thank you so much ! If you would like to find […]

Men Shed wins Community Group of The Year!

The Brundall Men’s Shed has won the Community Group of the Year award! Thank you to everyone to has contributed to making the shed a success, and those those people who made the evening happen.