
Personal Details

Emergency Contact Details

Declarations and Disclaimers

You must read in full and confirm your acceptance and agreement to each of the following statements by ticking the box.

SAFETY I understand that the activities of the Shed carry hazards and I will be doing them at my own risk. I understand that my safety is my own responsibility and confirm that I will comply with the Shed’s Health and Safety policy. I will wear any personal protective equipment deemed necessary for any particular item of equipment and will comply with any and all safety instructions. I agree to ensure my full understanding of the instructions for use and safety on every piece of equipment I use and I will act responsibly to ensure my own safety and that of others. I understand that Brundall Men’s Shed excludes all liability to the full extent permitted by law and accept that Brundall Men’s Shed nor any of its trustees shall be liable for any direct or indirect loss, damage or injury arising from or in connection with my participation in the Shed’s activities and I waive all and any claims in this respect. I hereby consent that I have read, understood and agree to the above statement
HEALTH I understand that I must disclose details about my health that might affect me in carrying out the activities in Brundall Men’s Shed. I understand that Brundall Men’s Shed is not responsible for giving medical assistance or organising carers or medical support beyond seeking help in an emergency or referring me to professional services if they deem me to be at risk. I hereby consent that I have read, understood and agree to the above statement.
PRIVACY I consent to the collection and use of my personal information for the purposes of my membership of Brundall Men’s Shed and in Brundall Men’s Shed communicating information to me. I understand that from time to time photographs and videos may be taken within the Shed. I consent to their use by Brundall Men’s Shed and UK Men’s Sheds Association in publications, newsletters and in the media to highlight the good work of Men’s Sheds. I understand that this consent can be withdrawn at any time in writing. I hereby consent that I have read, understood and agree to the above statement. All medical information will be treated as confidential and held securely. In accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, your personal information will never be distributed, sold or shared with third parties not stated above, except if required by law.

Shed Membership

To let you see if the Shed is for you, your first two sessions are free. A suggested donation of £10 or more is encouraged on joining, plus, each month you remain a member will be £10. If your financial situation does not allow this, please speak to one of our trustees.

Standing Order.

This should be set up to take your donation on the 2nd of each month. Our bank account details are: Brundall Men’s Shed, Sort Code:30-98-97 , Account No: 58217162