Shed member Terry has compiled a really useful list of wellbeing tips. They have been compiled from Michael Mosley’s “Just one thing you can do to improve your Life, health & wellbeing” podcast series.

Terry says “Please find below extracts taken from Michael’s BBC Podcast that I really found interesting, helpful & potentially life-changing and I wanted to share them with you. They are in no particular order.”

1. Learn a new skill as this will improve your thinking & memory skills plus keep your brain healthy.

2. Early morning walks, after breakfast. Brisk pace approx 128 BPM – Black Eye Pea’s – I’ve got a feeling. You should be able to talk but not sing & feel your heart beating a little faster & start to feel a little warmer. On a bright morning this will improve any Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Improve your mood, reset your body clock so your body knows when it is day / night so will help with sleep. Try and walk 30 minutes per day every day

3. Start Mindfulness 10 minutes every day as this will reduce stress & anxiety. Sign up to Daily Calm. I have life time membership

4. Crafting / Projects. Do more as this forces you to focus on the task in hand

5. Stand on one leg at a time for 10 seconds then increase to 30 seconds then for 1 minute. This improves balance, core strength & posture. Do this when you are cleaning your teeth. Try closing your eyes. Big toe touching heel of other foot like walking a tight rope. Focus on a spot on the floor just in front of you.

5. Deep breathing. Lowers heart rate, blood pressure & reduces stress & pain. Combats anxiety. Try breathing in for 4 then out for 6

6. House plants. Boost memory, mood & reduce indoor air pollution. Generally cheer the place up. Good plants to get are Spider Plant, Peace Lily and Snake Plant

7. Cuddle Up. With your other half or your dog as this will improve your feel good & help reduce stress

8. Birds. Enjoy bird flight & bird song as this improves mental wellbeing.

9. Spend time in open green spaces & nature. Improves mental health & reduces stress. Stop, listen & inhale the fresh air, improves your immune system

 Dog walk say 30 minutes twice a day

10. Resistance exercises. Press ups 10-40 per session. Squats or sitting on a chair to standing 10 per session. Walk / run up & down the stairs. Improves blood circulation to all parts of the body

11. Brain games. Crosswords & Sudoku

12. Listen to music. Reduces blood pressure, helps you relax & improves your feel good & mood. Sign up to Spotify or Amazon music

13. Sing. Boosts your mood, reduces pain, anxiety & stress. Belt it out for 5 minutes a day

14. Sun shine. Improves vitamin D bone health. Makes you happy, calm & focused. Little & often for 10-40 mins per day without sun screen

between 12-2 pm

15. Expressing Gratitude. Write a list in the morning of the things you are grateful for each day. Makes you happier & appreciative

16. Swap out sugar. Eat more fruit with skin on good for fibre. Increases mood improves your gut

17. Reduce screen time especially at bed time. I pad, I phone etc

18. Clean teeth. Twice per day for 2 minutes per time. Use interdental brushes between teeth. General health benefits

19. Red wine. Max of 6 glass’s per week with a meal. Lowers blood pressure & cholesterol.

20. Tai Chi. Good exercise & meditation. Join a class or use the BBC or NHS web site

 21. Top Food tips. Reduce or stop all ultra processed foods. Don’t eat Unrecognizable ingredients. Read all labels & refer to the traffic light labelling on all packaging. Try yogurt & seed mix for breakfast. Try sauerkraut also kefir and Fermented foods.

22. Eat more nuts. Chest nuts, Almond, hazel & walnuts. Good for brain & health. Say 30 g per day or a handful. Swap for sweets and biscuits

23. Cook with Turmeric. Reduces pain & inflammation

24. Lift some weights / strength training.

Bicep curls using a bottle of milk

Calf raises – hold on to a chair or work top then lift on to tip toes

Weighted squats – Ruck sack with weights in

3 sets of 10 each. Improves muscle mass, brain power & strength 

25. Drink Coffee. Boosts your mood, burns calories gives you energy. Ok to have 3 – 4 cups per day

26. Read. Improves memory, wellbeing, social skills, empathy, restful & calming. Relax & enjoy. 30 minutes per day

27. Eat an apple a day with the skin on for fibre.  Improves blood flow & vitamin C, helps lower cholesterol, helps heart & gut. Cooked apples are ok. Pink Lady apples are the best to eat

28. Take a break. Say 3 breaks per day for 10 minutes at a time. Coffee & Tea breaks. Good for your mind & body. Reduces stress & makes you more focussed. Relax & let your mind wander

29. Omega 3 fish oil. Good for heart, muscles & brain. Eat salmon, mackerel & Tuna

30. Reach out. Talk to & engage with people. Improves your social life & wellbeing reduces stress

31. Drink water. With every meal. Boosts concentration, energy levels, helps keep healthy skin. Helps with weight loose & cuts down on headaches.

Men should drink 2 lt & women 1 lt  per day which will result in you peeing approx 6 / 7 times per day

32. Stand up say every hour for 2 – 3 minutes. Lowers blood sugars. Stand up when you are on the phone

33. Eat Chocolate. Helps heart, lowers blood pressure. Two squares of 85%  dark chocolate say 3 – 5 per week. Increases your Flavanol levels

34. Learn something new. This will help keep you sharp. Follow your curiosity & interests. Learn to play a musical instrument – Ukulele

35. Change meal times. Time restricted eating. Helps lose weight. Stop snacking between meals.  Breakfast say 8 then lunch at 1 then evening meal at 6. That gives you 14 hours of restricted eating

36. Eat Beetroot / drink beetroot juice. Rich in nitrates improves blood flow & lowers blood pressure. Cognitive improvements. Roast is ok but do not boil

37. Stay fit. H.I.T training. High Intensity training. Brisk walking  x 3 per week. Cycle x 2 for 35 / 45 minutes per week

Good for & brain the heart

Remember to enjoy whatever you choose to do but above all, keep at it until it becomes a routine so you do it without thinking & because you want to.

Be healthy & enjoy life

Terry Ambridge

July 2024